Seerave supports the Microbiome Virtual International Forum

Seerave is happy to announce another new partnership with the MVIF – Microbiome Virtual International Forum. The MVIF is an initiative aiming to replace multi-day microbiome conferences through regular 3 hour conferences suitable for all time-zones including a keynote as well as additional short talks from leading researchers in the microbiome space.
This innovative meeting framework was set up by a group of scientists around Prof. Levi Waldron and Prof. Nicola Segata. All of the involved individuals are coming from different parts of the world, with different backgrounds, different working hours… but with a great common passion: the microbiome. The challenge of global collaboration, travel logistics and associated CO2 footprint as well as the very dense schedule of researchers and clinicians led to the idea to set up the Microbiome Virtual International Forum (MVIF). MVIF aims to empower anyone in the world to regularly receive updates around state-of-the-art microbiome research including virtual networking with peers to catalyze collaboration, for free.
There is already a line up for the next forums and we are happy to share that also the Seerave Network is represented by Prof. Jack Gilbert from UCSD in the December Version, talking about “Microbial Precision Nutrition”.
Jump in and explore the upcoming agendas of future events here.
…and/or take the opportunity to submit your own abstract for a presentation!
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