Where does the name “Seerave” come from?

Hint: read it backwards.

Seerave is named for Eva Rees, whose experience fighting metastatic melanoma inspired her husband David to establish the Foundation in 2015.

It is pronounced SEE-rayv.

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What is Seerave’s Purpose?

Seerave aims is to improve cancer patients’ lives by leveraging the symbiosis between the immune system and the microbiome.

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What is Seerave’s Mission?

Seerave aims to improve cancer patients’s lives by leveraging the symbiosis between the immune system and the microbiome. We do this by supporting collaborative, cross-disciplinary academic endeavors and early-stage ventures that translate scientific insights into novel clinical guidelines and tools.

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Does Seerave have a geographic focus area?


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Does Seerave jointly fund projects with other philanthropic entities?

Yes, we are very much open to collaborating with other philanthropic entities.

Some examples of our collaborations include:

  • The Periodic Table of Food Initiative (Website)
  • The Cancer Platform (Website)
  • Controlled high fiber diet interventions in melanoma patients at MD Anderson (Project link)
  • The Melanoma & the Microbiome Workshop (Project link)
  • The Microbiota Vault (Website)
  • The AIForNutrition project (Website)

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Does Seerave identify with or exclusively support a particular political point of view or party?

No. We support efforts that achieve our goals without regard to political affiliation.

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Where does Seerave’s funding come from?

The funding comes from a family endowment. David Rees co-founded the downstream oil company Greenergy, which was sold in May 2017 and the resulting proceeds were bequeathed to Seerave to fund its philanthropic activities.

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Is Seerave a non-profit organisation?

Yes. Seerave Foundation is a registered NPO under Non-Profit Organisations (Jersey) Law 2008, with registration number NPO-7095.

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Where is the Seerave Foundation based?

The Seerave Foundation was incorporated in Jersey on 26 March 2015 as a foundation under the Foundations (Jersey) Law, 2009, as amended, with registration number FD280.

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How does Seerave achieve its goals?

Seerave uses a combination of traditional grant donations for academic researchers as well as equity investments into early-stage start-ups. All of our collaborations are mission-aligned. Our project portfolio is built around international alliances of world-leading institutions, visionary scientists and entrepreneurs.

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