How does Seerave select its grants and investments?

Seerave Foundation provides grants for scientific studies as well as other science-based projects that may accelerate our mission. Proposals are by invitation only. Currently, Seerave is working to build a consortium of research institutions and hospitals with clinical data on a combined >5,000 cancer patients to address specific evidence gaps concerning the impact of microbiome modifiers on cancer immunotherapy.

Seerave Ventures makes equity investments in early-stage startups with strong technical merit. Often, these are spinouts of university labs. Seerave enables the sustainable clinical development, validation, market approval, and commercialization of new technologies through high-level engagement and support of 3-5 mission aligned companies.


  1. Seerave Ventures is designed to deliver scalable impact to advance Seerave’s mission (within 5 years)
  2. Seerave Ventures is a vehicle for delivering impact (before returns)
  3. Seerave Ventures is intended to fill a gap in the market, not to displace market players

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