Seerave Fellows Retreat 2019 in Berlin

We are pleased to announce that the Seerave Fellows Retreat from 6. – 8.11.2019 in Berlin has been a great success. For the second time the fellows of the Seerave Foundation gathered to update on their current activities in different research projects, to further discover synergies and opportunities to exchange skills and knowhow.
In three days, outstanding presentations were given in a very open atmosphere and the room was filled with an enthusiasm to share and support each other. During the retreat, many new connections were made and ways to optimize current projects. For example, for observational projects at KCL and UMCG an explanatory video has been the result of a little brainstorming on how to improve current recruitment situation and how to ease the process for the researchers. First actions have been taken during the retreat and the process has kicked off already. Another overarching point of discussion was the creation of a Master MTA (Material Transfer Agreement). Many projects of the Seerave Network are setting up collaborations and data sharing plans.
Finally, on day three, Johannes Richters, supported the process with visual recordings to facilitate the discussion. In this creative session, prototypes were created to evaluate the projects in accordance with the Seerave vision from a different angle. The goal was to understand why we are doing this research and how our projects, rationales and approaches are interlinked, as well as identifying gaps.
Summarized, “This was a great opportunity to join forces and work towards our shared mission of integrating nutrition into the health care paradigm – particularity for cancer patients.” (Ashley E. Holly, Phd; Seerave Fellow from MD Anderson)
Impressions of the Berlin Seerave Retreat 2020
Visual summary of the Berlin Seerave Retreat 2020 by Jo Richers:
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