Translational Philanthropy / The Deep Immunity Project
Towards Continuous Monitoring of Inflammatory Biomarkers

The problem
Missing data on immune status
Wearable biosensors are of substantial interest to the clinical research community due to their potential to provide continuous, real-time physiological information via dynamic, minimally invasive measurements of biomarkers in biofluids. However, as opposed to the continuous measurement of glucose, the continuous measurement of protein biomarkers comes with significant additional hurdles such as their low concentration and the difficulty of performing repeated immunoassays on a sensor placed inside the human body. We aim to overcome some these hurdles and develop a proof-of-principle setup for a continuous inflammation monitor with the ultimate goal to increase the understanding of the interaction between nutrition, the microbiome, the immune system and cancer. Having such a system at hand would greatly increase our understanding of the impact of individual diets on disease, both chronic and otherwise.
The solution
The Deep Immunity Project
The Deep Immunity Project (DIP) is a Seerave-initiated and -led project that explores the possibility of developing a wearable biosensor for continuous inflammation monitoring. In 2021, we have established a multidisciplinary, collaborative consortium that is now working towards comparing different biosensor technologies head-to-head in 2022. To achieve this, three different sensor prototypes will be developed as well as a test platform to enable comparison of all three technologies. Furthermore, we have been creating our own library of capture molecules against inflammatory biomarkers, which are essential building blocks for the future biosensors. Key aspects that are being developed by the DIP Consortium are:
Capture Molecule Library
Dedicated capture molecules against inflammatory biomarkers.
Test platform
A unified test platform will allow head-to-head comparison of different biosensor prototypes.
Biosensor technologies
Three different label-free biosensor technologies are characterised for suitability and performance.
The Deep Immunity Project (DIP) is a Seerave-initiated and -led project that explores the possibility of developing a wearable biosensor for continuous inflammation monitoring. In 2021, we have established a multidisciplinary, collaborative consortium that is now working towards comparing different biosensor technologies head-to-head in 2022. To achieve this, three different sensor prototypes will be developed as well as a test platform to enable comparison of all three technologies. Furthermore, we have been creating our own library of capture molecules against inflammatory biomarkers, which are essential building blocks for the future biosensors. Key aspects that are being developed by the DIP Consortium are:

Capture Molecule Library
Dedicated capture molecules against inflammatory biomarkers.

Test platform
A unified test platform will allow head-to-head comparison of different biosensor prototypes.

Biosensor technologies
Three different label-free biosensor technologies are characterised for suitability and performance.
is currently in this phase