Jonathan Pol
Dr. Jonathan Pol is a permanent researcher at INSERM in Pr. Guido Kroemer’s team (Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers | Institut Gustave Roussy, France), where he leads a group in Immuno-Oncology. He obtained his PhD in Molecular and Medical Virology in 2008 (Paris, France). Then, he joined the teams of Drs. Brian Lichty and Yonghong Wan for 5 years at McMaster University (ON, Canada) to develop oncolytic cancer vaccines. In 2014, he returned to France in Pr. Kroemer’s laboratory to study cancer immunogenic cell death and immunosurveillance, and pursue the development of cancer immunotherapies. In particular, his work has demonstrated that caloric restriction mimetics stimulate cancer immunosurveillance and improve the efficacy of chemo-immunotherapy.